Employer/Recruiters Help

Registration and posting jobs is free, please click on this link and registerEmployer register

All registered employers/recruiters will be provided with a trial package to help and support hiring needs.This is provided at the time of registration.

Trial package will end when all paid job posting options are utilized by employer/recruiter or when package is set to expire.

The published jobs can be edited within 6 hours of publishing.

You can compose multiple jobs and save them in draft and publish them when needed.

Job slots are not reusable, upon publishing job and features come with paid job posting are utilized and reflect counts is used counts.

You can post jobs the moment you verify email id and complete employer details. JobsHorn admin will verify company and recruiter is approved.

If our automated company verification couldn’t verify the company registered, this message will be shown. Contact customer service to verify company account immediately, we usually approve within 48 hours of account creation.

If our automated user approval process cannot be approved automatically, this message will be shown.Contact customer service to approve user registration immediately, we usually approve within 48 hours of user registration.

We server all industries excluding multi-level marketing, Network marketing and any business which don’t comply with local country government regulations, any business registered with state or federal governments and verifiable will be served.

If a user is logged in on a system/device and user account is logged in again from different device/system, this message will be shown and in the pop-up user have choose options ‘Continue Login’ or‘Don’t Login’.

After you login get sales email id by clicking on buy button, a sales representative will contact you and discuss the options.

Yes, you can continue posting jobs, all jobs posted after package expiration will be posted a free jobs.

Please go to contact us page and report